42 Yerevan

Dive into the captivating world of 42 Yerevan, where not only code but characters come to life.

I’ve had the joy of creating a cast of unique and vibrant characters, each serving as an ambassador for the dynamic programs offered at this tuition-free programming school. Meet the personalities I’ve brought to the forefront—characters that embody the spirit of coding,
each with their own flair and story to tell. From the aspiring coder navigating the challenges of algorithms to the seasoned developer breaking new ground, these characters bridge the gap between the complexity of coding and the diverse individuals eager to master it.
Through careful illustration, I’ve strived to capture the essence of each character, making them not just images but relatable figures in the exciting journey of learning and growth. These characters are more than visual elements; they are companions in the exploration of the coding universe at
42 Yerevan.

Join us as we celebrate the diverse faces of coding excellence, where every character tells a story, and every story contributes to the vibrant tapestry of 42 Yerevan. Thank you for being a part of this visual adventure!

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Dive into the world of fashion with stunning dragon illustrations created for designer Sonya Avagyan. Illustration is a unique blend of style and fantasy, adding a touch of magic to every piece.

Barekendan Masks

Step into the enchanting world of the Armenian Spring Festival with our bespoke mask illustrations, where tradition meets a touch of intrigue. Our masks are more than mere accessories; they’re a visual journey inspired by the spirit of spring and the untamed beauty of animals.